Monday, May 28, 2007

[[Good Times]]

Most people will probably cry, or at least felt like their hearts are being ripped. But this beautiful but not logical MV makes me smile, since I watched it with my dearest Chaletmates [Dilla, Qeaz, Aishah & Layen].

It was like a fab in KMYS, when someone watches a horror movie, everyone will probably watch the same thing. When someone is exercising on their common room, everyone will probably do the same with the same aerobic vid. The jungle surrounding the collage probably makes these stuff contagious.. ahahha... Back to the vid, on a peaceful evening, while lazing around, we watched this... everyone was quiet [kunun feel aa...] I think everyone was about to cry or at least felt something, including me.. Towards the ending I ruined everyone's effort to actually 'feel' this vid by blurted out "La, apasal la laki tu tak kasik satu mata je, kan dedua leh nampak" [I can't remember the exact words, but that basically it!!]. So instead of crying, everyone laughed n scolded me for it... ahahhaha... good memories

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|1:43 am|

Friday, May 18, 2007

[[Summer Plan]]

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This is how I wish to spend my Summer holidays:

1) Eats a lot of my mum's cooking [ I won't care if u said I'm fat Pp!! ahahah]
2) Swims at aquatic centre
3) Diving Course [DSD] kalo bley [Open water divers]
4) Gi Pahang e?
5) Meet Ikrom's family
6) Attend lots of weddings n kenduri

Ok, ada sesape yg berminat nak gi diving?? meh la.. sure bapak aku tak kasik gi sorang even aku tak kesah je kalo gi sesorg....
kalo DSD KLCC - RM450,
kalo kat PADI sites - RM150... leh buat Open Water diver trus - RM700...
Ingat nak try gi Tioman since nak gi umah Yatie kat Kuantan...

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Buhsan la Summer tader buat apa2... mari lah.. sesape nak berminat, sile ckp e.. Actually dah lama plan nak buat menatang ni, dari summer lepas tapi tader proper plan... kekunun nak tunda honeymoon aa... tp partner saya cam tanak kasik.. ahahahha takut kene gigit ngan ikan e??? Nanti dah keje, sure susah nak dapat cuti n buat camni....

So, approximation of budget [1 week], bley kurang lagi kalo naik feri instead of flight n stay for 5 days ke, minus dlm RM600 to RM700 [£100]

Flight+Accom+Scuba+Food = RM 3403 ~ £486
Flight+Accom+Food = RM1403 ~ £200

hmmmm... i think i could affort that...

Kesimpulan 1:
1) marilah kite practise swimming 200 yards
2) Target Julai or Sept...
3) Sapa nak join?? huhuhu kene at least leh swim 200 yards (180m) ok?

Since Ikrom was furious with my plan and said that tioman divers will hump everything that moves =P. I'm thinking of changing the venue to perhentian island which is supposed to be cheaper than what tioman offered. And he added that I should have at least 5 ppl in the group and must include boys. Ok, and where can I find these pretty boys who wants to take diving courses with me?? huhuhu....

Kesimpulan 2:
1) cam mustahil kalo impose syarat nih... kang bapak aku ingat gi join pesta seks lak bwk guys gi bercuti.... kuang kuang kuang

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|6:31 am|

Thursday, May 17, 2007

[[Kesekian lamanya]]

lama gile tak update blog huhuhuhuh mmg zaman malas aku taun ni, baru tadi baca blog Roslan sms pasal kewujudan sexist di mana-mana pun, even kat parlimen... Haih~~~ citer pasal 'bocor' ni, honestly aku rasa lg menjijikkan dari citer 'janda gatal' dulu sebab it involves every women in this world! Tah apa-apa tah berbahas cam org jual ikan kat pasar MPs ni, sini jerit sana jerit, situ gelak, sinun tido... huhuhu patut la aku tak daftar mengundi lagi, orang-orang camni yang dapat undi orang ramai... apa bende la... nak kater buta orang malaysia ni, tak jugak, pekak tak jugak, bisu tu separuh a kan.. Orang malaysia lak, sekarang je panas, membara kuar aa darah pendekar la, tai-chi la, silambam la, nanti bile nak dekat election, dier kasik RM200 pangkah orang yang sama jugak.. buatkan jalan tar baru la, bagi kain batik la still termakan gak tipu muslihat tu... haih~~~ Aku paham aa orang-orang tua cam nenek aku dulu-dulu tu, zaman dier lain.. politician tak secreative skrang....

Kirenye sexual harrasment dah menular even kat dalam parlimen, kat luar tu lagi la banyak... someone I know experienced it herself... huhuhu. AKu setakat ni tader aa yang extreme [sebab aku tak cute kut.. ahahhaah], kalo masa practical dulu aku perangai, pertuturan memang cam boyish sikit so aku selamat aa cume ader sikit je insiden yang buatkan aku tunjuk tapak kasut kat orang [ader ke nak naik lori himpit2 ngan aku, aku bagi kasut!! terus tak berani dah...]. kalo masa berjalan especially ngan pompuan a, orang lalu lalang tu memang selalu... aku pun tak paham apa sebenarnye orang-orang camni carik... ader ke pompuan yang sangkut kene harrass camtu. [aku tak rasa dier nak pancing2 sangat, cume nak lepaskan kegatalan je....pliss la resolve to something else guys!!].

Bile pompuan complaint, kate lak pompuan pakai sexy goda dier... seriously imagination!! ahahaah ader ke pompuan purposely pakai sexy nak goda orang camni?? yang memang dah sedia gatal. [selalunye kalo camni nak goda orang yang susah digoda la kan... yang tak tergoda ngan ckp2 manja whatever]. Aku rasa workplace kat Malaysia ni dah lama dah ader citer-citer memualkan ni, ngan affairs la, harrassments la, bodek and rasuah.

Aku bukan la feminist ke hapa cume its logical to respect each other kan, guys or even girls yang buat bende-bende camni should think kalo bende ni jadi kat orang yang korang treasured... even korang pun marah kan??

1) Bawak bertaubat la orang-orang camni...

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|10:41 pm|

[[The Walker]]

Name: Tido Alchemist
Bdae: 14 Feb 1984
Nicks: Arfa
Skool:Soton uni
Contact Me: @zazu

[[My Adores]]

Food: Mum's Cooking
Drinks: Cendol
Pastimes: Hmm..?
People: No comment
Animal: Any furry animal cam cc plak bunyinye

[[My Detests]]

People: Ehem..ehem..
Animal: Lizard & Frogs
Food: None

[[Ariel Lin: Fei Ni Mou Shu]]

Music Codes Central [[My History]]

|November 2004|December 2004|January 2005|February 2005|March 2005|April 2005|May 2005|June 2005|August 2005|October 2005|November 2005|December 2005|January 2006|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|May 2006|June 2006|August 2006|October 2006|November 2006|December 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|May 2007|June 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|June 2008

[[The Conversations]]

[[My Friends]]

|Yatie| Layen| Dielz| Azie| Alifah|
|Azila| Bojol| Ufah| Afifah| Asma'|
|Nisa'| Abn| Niz| Sid| Ngocop| Black|
|Tun| Ikrom| Azrin| Nuriman| Aisyah|
|Nikman Shah| Kino| Ciken|


|Yahoo |Friendster |ISS|
|Tazkirah |Happy Tree Friends|
|Kyuem 02-04 |Kyuem|
|Mari Membeli-belah |Masak-memasak|


|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|
|Unky Moods|

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