Monday, November 26, 2007

[[Month of Retaliations?]]

The general election is reeeally coming its way to Malaysia... why? so many issues were raised this month, fair election by BERSIH on the 10th, HINDAF protest yesterday... and who knew what's coming next.. I had a good laugh for a couple of days, especially the infamous Al-Jazeera's interview with Zainuddin Maidin [apparently he is the Malaysia's Minister of Information...] Now i knew the effect of having these kind of people around, letting they have what they shouldn't.. he seriously do not deserve to be in that position [minister of course].. Major embarrassment!! For all non malaysian that saw the interview, not everyone in Malaysia talk like that... And I'm ashamed being a Malaysian when I watch that vid.. how in the hell did he got there???

I'm curious about politics, have some opinions but that's about it... I've never voted in Malaysia (I'm 23 going 24) cause I believe that it doesn't really matter as long as the system stays as it is... There was so many cases of misconduct that I've heard, multiple votes by the same person, the stupidity of some people.. in short, it just frustrate me to see these kind of things. It's like cheating in exam!!

I sincerely believe in what BERSIH has brought upon us, fair election.. In order for Malaysia to change, in order for the people to live comfortably and in order to save this country, this is what we need. But, some Malaysian is just too afraid of changes. I know it is the nature of human being to be afraid of the unknown, the uncertainties, it is coded in our genetics to run away and expect the worst. But why not try? it's like trying on a new clothes that we thought we would never wore, new foods from foreign countries, new environment and such. If you don't like it after you try it, then its a different story.. change it back or try other new things...

I shouldn't really write this, I have so many things to do...huhuh

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|12:00 am|

Saturday, November 24, 2007

[[Jay New Album!!]]

Most of the people that actually knew me, they'll know that I'm a Jay Chou fan.. I've been listening to his new album all this week.. Adore it!! especially the song 'I'm Not Worthy' [u know I'm a sucker for romantic songs.. ahahha]. When I looked at the album cover, I could only think about how to take a picture like that.. weird isn't it? Jay riding a pink fake pony should bring much more interesting thoughts... hmmmm

One of the comment of the video made me laugh, 'Jay can't help it if he's a constant chick magnet!' ahahaha very relevant indeed.. Anyway, I personally think that sad, emotionally damage guys are sexy... Jay for an example.. doesn't he seems a bit sexier being dump by that girl?

I have so many things to do this weekend, project programming, report writing, 2 assignments and 1 involves programming, getting ready for next presentation.. seriously, I don't like being a student..

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|1:51 am|

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

[[Ian Hawk baik orangnye]]

It's true guys, beneath the bald head and boring lectures he's actually a very good person. I missed my monday test because of some freak reading accident (my bad.. reading with my knee cap!..[direct translation of the most common malay joke]), thankfully I met him on the way there, apologised about what happened and even before I finish talking he said: "It's OK, u can take the test in my room, are you free now?" GOD!!! thanks alot!!

I promised I won't judge you by your balding head anymore..... thanks

see my new passion:

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|1:18 am|

Saturday, November 10, 2007

[[Lost, all is lost]]

Thanks to the brilliant move made by someone, everything has gone....gone... will never ever be back... dead, deadsies, dobiddle dabedee dumdum call it whatever you want... huhuhu

unlimited stupidity which can't be comprehend....huhuhu... gosh I'm so mad right now!!

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|3:47 pm|

Thursday, November 01, 2007

[[the week of illness]]

I was sick, had a very bad cough, headache & sleeplessness... it starting to get better tho, I think it must be the room or the building, cuz since I moved here, I kept getting nightmares and waking up at 3 or 4 am.. carazy right??

these are the pictures i took today:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

[[Walking Alone On This Endless Road]]*|11:09 pm|

[[The Walker]]

Name: Tido Alchemist
Bdae: 14 Feb 1984
Nicks: Arfa
Skool:Soton uni
Contact Me: @zazu

[[My Adores]]

Food: Mum's Cooking
Drinks: Cendol
Pastimes: Hmm..?
People: No comment
Animal: Any furry animal cam cc plak bunyinye

[[My Detests]]

People: Ehem..ehem..
Animal: Lizard & Frogs
Food: None

[[Ariel Lin: Fei Ni Mou Shu]]

Music Codes Central [[My History]]

|November 2004|December 2004|January 2005|February 2005|March 2005|April 2005|May 2005|June 2005|August 2005|October 2005|November 2005|December 2005|January 2006|February 2006|March 2006|April 2006|May 2006|June 2006|August 2006|October 2006|November 2006|December 2006|January 2007|February 2007|March 2007|May 2007|June 2007|October 2007|November 2007|January 2008|February 2008|June 2008

[[The Conversations]]

[[My Friends]]

|Yatie| Layen| Dielz| Azie| Alifah|
|Azila| Bojol| Ufah| Afifah| Asma'|
|Nisa'| Abn| Niz| Sid| Ngocop| Black|
|Tun| Ikrom| Azrin| Nuriman| Aisyah|
|Nikman Shah| Kino| Ciken|


|Yahoo |Friendster |ISS|
|Tazkirah |Happy Tree Friends|
|Kyuem 02-04 |Kyuem|
|Mari Membeli-belah |Masak-memasak|


|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|
|Unky Moods|

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